
I had been thinking about masks, and what they
conceal for a couple days, and then how if we aren’t
careful what becomes truth and what fiction

balanced want against need
concealed behind masks of deep desire
where averted eyes may show a glimpse
if left or caught unguarded.

A thought, so deeply held
covered and diverted by a simple smile
or gentle gesture
so certain to be kindly felt.

This duty to be one who pleases
a secret burden, unknown to others
unsharable, chafing
the uniform just slightly doesn’t fit

Yet each day we don our mask
and venture toward the day
secret prisoners to ourselves
fearing any other way

8 Comments on “masked”

  1. emjayzed says:

    I am lost in my mask. Great words, I can relate.

  2. billgncs says:

    Yes. I agree, duty, love and self seem to be difficult to balance. Thanks for stopping by to comment.

  3. Wow, nicely put! One of the hardest things to do in this world is be true to one’s self yet balance that with caring for our loved ones….no?

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