weary travelers

Wyoming and Yellowstone are vast and lovely…

Wyoming is vast and beautiful

Wyoming is vast and beautiful

but the water in the park fills it with life…

water is life and beauty

water is life and beauty

Returning our guests to Billings Montana for their flight home we stopped in the Crow Reservation for a soda. One scruffy young traveler had a sign,

“Traveling, Broke, Ugly”

I couldn’t help it, I gave him ten bucks.

15 Comments on “weary travelers”

  1. vb holmes says:

    Gorgeous country, lovely photos.

  2. I really like the pics!

  3. A good heart! Although $10 won’t cover cosmetic surgery….

  4. susank456 says:

    You are a nice person.

  5. Eric Alagan says:

    I think that “Ugly” probably brought a chuckle and clinched it πŸ™‚

  6. nokotahorse says:

    Honesty pays of, doesn’t it. πŸ™‚

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