
Why write? I guess I just like to hear myself talk.

Male, Father, husband, Old enough to reminisce, Young enough to care about the future.

Cancer free in 2013.

Left handed, Right footed, utterly confused.

Favorite vehicle: Gary Fisher Hi Fi Deluxe 29er

the fiction wing of my mind resides at: bwfiction.wordpress.com

172 Comments on “About”

  1. Eric Alagan says:

    Hello Bill,

    Could you email me your home address please—if you don’t mind? I like to mail to you a print copy of my new novel Song of the Ankle Rings. It will ship direct from Amazon USA.

    You’ve been very supportive and offered great encouragement with your comments on my blog posts regarding this novel. Please allow me to do this.

    You can see my yahoo email address linked to my comment.

    Thank you,

  2. stef7sa says:

    Hi Bill

    I noticed your comment of the Zany Slice of Italy book on a bookblog and I wondered whether you would be interested in having a look at my about to be published “Living in Italy: the Real Deal – How to survive the Good Life”. From your blog I found that you have an interest in books about Italy.
    The book contains sixty short stories about my adventures as a Dutch expat who moved to Italy in 2008 to start a bed and breakfast. It is the translation of the Dutch original that met with considerable success (sold 3000 copies) and had very positive readers’ reviews.

    Author bio:
    Stef Smulders was born in The Netherlands in 1960 and moved with husband Nico and their dog to Italy in 2008 to start bed-and-breakfast Villa I Due Padroni in the beautiful wine region Oltrepò Pavese south of Milan. In 2014 he published his first volume of short, anecdotical stories (in Dutch) about daily life among the Italians entitled “Italiaanse Toestanden”. It was well received by readers, leading to a second volume of witty anecdotes. A third volume is to be published spring 2017.

    Book summary:
    In 2008 the author emigrated to Italy, bringing husband and dog along, to start Bed & Breakfast Villa I Due Padroni. But a lot of hurdles had to be taken before the first guests could be accommodated. In 2014 Stef reported about his adventures in buying and reconstructing the house, obtaining a tax number and a bank account, registering at the commune and at the national health service, importing their car and a range of other things that lead to a myriad of bureaucratic troubles. These problems were always resolved in a truly Italian fashion, leading to raised Dutch eyebrows and hilarious scenes. As a reader you will encounter a range of characteristic Italians, from sympathetic to villainous, from moving to shameless. Real Italians of flesh and blood, sometimes cliché, somtimes surprisingly original. But always worth encountering.

    Goodreads page:

    Have a look at my presentation page as well with fragments and a sneak preview if you like:

    I could send you the epub or pdf if you want to.

    Hope to hear from you
    Cari saluti

  3. Ha! I’m a confused Southpaw, too. I didn’t realize you were a cancer survivor until reading this, Bill. May you remain healthy for many, many years. Doesn’t facing a life threatening diagnosis change our perspective?!

    • billgncs says:

      yes, I think it does. I wouldn’t say it’s a gift from cancer, for I don’t think that disease brings gifts. I’m glad more are surviving though.

  4. uldissprogis says:

    The shocking thing is that some retail establishments have a theft rate as high as 6% which isn’t chump change. Thanks for the 2% feedback statistic.

  5. Nomzi Kumalo says:

    Pleased to meet you. 🙂

  6. Cute writing style on your bio!

  7. awax1217 says:

    I have had a stroke so I understand living with the concept of death around the corner. But you give it one day at a time and breath. You enjoy what you have and understand life is granted and not a given. And you hug more.

  8. uldissprogis says:

    Conquering is the easy part if you have dedicated fighters but ruling as justly as possible is the hard part which all conquerors are not good at. That is why ISIS may fail. Uldis

    • billgncs says:

      but they delay that, and cover the inefficiencies by continuing to conquer new territories. Much like the old soviet union, they covered the economic problems by conquering new states – when detente blocked them in – they crumbled. So ISIS must continue to conquer new territories, especially ones with assets like oil ( middle-east ) or rare-earths and minerals ( Africa )

  9. Yoshiko says:

    Thank you on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to like our guest post. May our poetry bless your hearts and minds 🙂

  10. uldissprogis says:

    A select few have always ruled civilizations and currently in the west it seems that it is the rich and powerful. Christianity has the problem of the other extreme where you are supposed to be fruitful and multiply and reproduction is not tied to tangible concepts in reality. China is forcefully promoting one child per family which is a form of population control which doesn’t discriminate very well and does not necessarily promote the reproduction of the healthy, smart, and efficient. I would prefer reproduction to be tied to economic success which has historical precedence with concepts of dowry and economic wealth. It makes logical sense that the wealthy should reproduce in numbers greater than those who can’t afford big families. As long as there is not a dictatorship or tyranny genocide is not a problem in the long duration.

  11. uldissprogis says:

    I love wildlife and that includes birds, insects, flowers, wild animals, sea creatures, landscapes, waterfalls, and rock formations but I don’t meticulously keep lists of them with names and details. I am a conservationist at heart and lament the way humans are destroying it around the world.

  12. uldissprogis says:

    Cash flow probably means that money is leaving you or is being spent and going into someone else’s pocket. Very few can withstand the temptation of spending and going into debt including the government. The emphasis should be on reversing the tide of money flowing into the hands of the rich and powerful and back into the savings accounts of thrifty individuals who will then hopefully spend some of it wisely on things they really need and don’t just want. The whole economic system is a sham designed to part you from your hard earned money and enslave you to a lifetime of unrepayable debt. When money is inflated or stolen from you on a yearly basis then how can you trust such a financial system to operate in your favor. It does’t operate for your benefit and never has.

  13. uldissprogis says:

    Not all psychologists are total fools and Bradberry just hints at ways which will endear you more to humans and hopefully make them trust you and your opinions more. You can have all the emotional intelligence in the world and if you try to persuade you may still fail if the human is too dogmatic in their beliefs. Ultimate persuasion is having all the important facts in your corner and convincing someone that they will benefit in some way from being persuaded to your way of thinking.

  14. uldissprogis says:

    Thanks for the useful input. I changed my definition of status to include the degree of influence on others. Best wishes. Uldis

  15. uldissprogis says:

    I am not sure whether biological memory is binary since chemical changes also occur in the brain and molecules react to stimuli in a parallel processing way so that one electrical impulse actually results in multiple reactions in the brain pathways. If quantum information mimics biological processes then it may not be binary in nature. My answer is simply we don’t know yet if ever. Thanks for the feedback. Uldis

  16. yasniger says:

    Thanks for showing interest in what I put out too. I sincerely hope you continue to find my works entertaining & pleasurable. Be safe.

  17. thatssojacob says:

    Hello Bill! I’ve decided to read and follow 15 interesting and new blogs a day every day for the first month of 2015, and yours is today’s #8! Feel free to come visit me when you can at http://www.thatssojacob.wordpress.com, and follow if you like what you read. Happy new year and happy blogging!

  18. uldissprogis says:

    Thought your comment about the handbook making more people disordered was right on and funny tragic to some extent too. Thanks!

  19. uldissprogis says:

    Thanks for your many likes again. If the government really wants to track you they can with listening devices on your property, with cellphone and computer monitoring and hacking and feet on the ground. If my website suddenly stops functioning then you know that I have been hacked and under surveillance but why worry about such an event? If it happens it happens and was meant to be so I am not going to spend nights worrying about it and I hope that my radical ideas on some issues are not enough to get anyone important upset about it. Best wishes again and thanks for the support. Sincerely, Uldis

  20. perpetualadmin says:

    I just wanted to say thank you for welcoming me to WordPress and for checking out my blog! I hope you have a Happy New Year, and enjoy the shoutout in this post!

  21. Historical Writings says:

    Thank you for your comments and appreciation of my historical posts in 2014. I hope my posts for 2015 will be to your liking.

  22. Yoshiko says:

    Thank you on behalf of Daylight Tune Ministry to follow our ministry blog. May our poetry bless your hearts and minds 🙂

  23. uldissprogis says:

    Strikes for safety reasons are rather rare these days but historically it was a valid reason. Once again thanks for the useful feedback. Uldis

    • billgncs says:

      capitalism depends upon two sides having power to negotiate, and when one side has all the power then capitalism is little more than tyranny. On the same point, the unions can have too much power too.

  24. uldissprogis says:

    Like your definition of subsidize and will change my definition to a simpler one. Thanks for the good feedback. Uldis

  25. uldissprogis says:

    We seek praise almost all the time for our efforts so refusing praise once may actually be a sign of humility or recognizing that we are not the only ones worthy of the praise. Not accepting or refusing deserved praise is an attempt at deception if you truly want to be praised again a second time for the same deserved actions. All that I am really saying is the if the praise is deserved or earned then you are rather stupid to refuse it hoping to be praised again. But thanks for the feedback. I really enjoy it. Best wishes. Uldis

  26. shellyfaber says:

    Thank you for reading about me. Your Blog is so interesting, and, refreshing. I’m really enjoying it.

  27. Cha Annie says:

    Hey thanks for stopping in. Glad you did, your blog is fantastic!
    Enjoy your day! 🙂

  28. ciao! luvFAB blog.

  29. Ann Koplow says:

    I’m so glad our paths have crossed today, and not just because I’m left-handed (and probably right-footed, too). I look forward to more encounters here. Thanks!

  30. perpetualadmin says:

    Congratulations on being Cancer Free in 2013- I hope that 2014 will be a great year for you!

  31. eldinsmille says:

    Am I 100th who liked this?

  32. LF6 says:

    Glad you beat cancer brother! Praise GOd!

  33. Keats says:

    Left handed? No wonder I like you. Birds of a feather, and all that. 🙂

  34. LFFL says:

    Yay for cancer freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

  35. Patrick Fisher says:

    Please accept this Blog of the Year 2013 Award for dropping by and following my journey.


  36. Liked your “About” page — succinct and warm at the same time. So glad you’re cancer-free this year! I HATE cancer with a fierce passion, but then, who doesn’t?

  37. cindy knoke says:

    WOO HOO!!! Cancer free in 2013! Yes~

  38. Hello, you asked on buckwheatsrisk.com what a paid post is. I’m linked to a site called Post Joint where articles come up that people are paying for them to be posted on websites. I can choose to decline or accept the offer. I decline many as they don’t go with the theme of my site but every so often one does. I get paid to post it on BR.

  39. twoscamps says:

    Hi Bill, thanks for stopping by our blog:-). Wishing you continued health and happiness. Sincerely, Maureen

    • billgncs says:

      Thanks Maureen — I really enjoy your blog. We have a cabin in the Big Horns of Wyoming and for almost thirty years we have been going out there in the summer. I love the vistas of that drive across the country and the stars so clear it feels as if we could grasp them.

      thanks for stopping by

      • twoscamps says:

        Hi Bill! OMG how I love the Big Horns! I left home at 18 and my first job was out of Buffalo, WYO (survey work on a seismograph crew – no place for a young woman!). I attended Sheridan College. Those towns are full of wonderful memories. -Maureen

  40. Ajaytao2010 says:

    Nice reading about you

    Thanks for visiting my blog. Be in touch. Browse through the category sections, I feel you may find something of your interest.

  41. Re my most recent blog post, the fight is not over yet. 😦 I feel equipped to deal with it though. I wonder if this is teaching how to be a business woman..lol it’s always been in my blood, and I was one once before.

    • billgncs says:

      we are all in business even if we think we aren’t. The fabric of our lives is little transactions.

      As for me, I think you could do it, and do it well.

      • thank you very much for that vote of confidence. it means a lot.

        Hubby and I owned a helicopter for two years and I did the majority of wheeling and dealing in the buy of it, with a very very corrupt broker. I won’t say there weren’t some tears as he was wicked and this was my first experience but, I did it..

  42. Happy spring, and blessings upon your health and family!

    ~ Wendy

  43. Lyn says:

    I admire your courage. Congratulations on your anniversary of survival (2011) That would mean another year has passed. Praying God will continue to surround you with His love and strength.

    • billgncs says:

      thanks Lyn — there’s an old Kurt Vonnegut line “We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful about what we pretend to be.”

      maybe courage is like that.

  44. Lyn says:

    Thank you so much for dropping by my blog “The Call of the Pen” and liking Out of the Frying Pan

  45. AnElephantCant think of anything clever to say
    This happens time after time
    But he wants you to know
    That he likes you and so
    He says hello with this silly rhyme

  46. annisik51 says:

    Hello there
    Thanks for visiting my blog.
    Left handed too. And right handed. And both handed, but my brain chooses which, not ‘me’. Left handed ice skaters jump off their right feet (or is that foots?) by the way. I learned that the hard way.
    My husband’s a 5 year survivor of an aggressive form of brain tumour. We had a miracle. Trite as it is, I’ve learned that you don’t have yesterday and you don’t have tomorrow. Just the bit in between. Yuk! That WAS trite. But congratulations on beating it yesterday and today and good luck for tomorrow.
    I’d recommend Deepak Chopra’s Quantum Healing.

  47. crazybunny66 says:

    Hi there, please note that I have nominated you for an award, check it out at : http://crazybunny66.wordpress.com/2013/01/08/and-the-nominees-are/

  48. yerpirate says:

    Your blog is remarkable. Your writing flows beautiful, and your message is strong. There is endurance there – look forward to your continued posts, very much.

  49. beeseeker says:

    Hello and many thanks for finding time to visit my beeseeker blog – evrything I would wish to say about your diagnosis is in the frames above, but, for what it is worth, thinking of you. Your response about your daughters knowing you better than … (paraphrase) above ouched me deeply.
    Hope you have a good Christmas … and that you keep blogging.

  50. cherylmoore says:

    Your family will be proud, writing is one of the greatest gifts you can give to them. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  51. Heidi says:

    My mother had thyroid cancer that came back about four times now and was sick most of my childhood so I know how nasty that can be. I hope you overcome it. Good luck and keep writing 🙂

  52. tsena says:

    wow! blessings and tons of well-wishes to you. may a clear cancer-free scan be yours very soon.

  53. Sorry to read of your diagnosis. Here’s hoping it’s treatable and all will be well. Thank you so much for visiting my site. 🙂

  54. Thanks so much for stopping by my blog. I really enjoyed the writing on your blog. You have a wonderful, positive style and I look forward to future posts 🙂

  55. I’ve only just found this string to your bow! WHERE have I been? D’oh.

    • billgncs says:

      Glad to have you friend, and I am happy you stopped by.

      • backfromtheedge says:

        Dear Bill, I’m thinking a lot of bwthoughts this week and just passing through to say howdy and looking forward to hearing from you soon. Actually, honestly, I’m anxious to hear that you’re ok. xx

        • billgncs says:

          Hi Mikaela,

          Hearing from you always perks me up. I am ok, getting ready for a big scan on Friday. It’s a week long process with a special diet and some injections and then some radioactive pills.

          Maybe, I’ll get the all clear. But enough of that. Soon my two daughters and wife will be up for the holiday.

          How are you and your group doing? Are you singing up a storm ? Is your new job fun ?

  56. Hey Bill! I Just got tagged to add 5 words on a writing story game. I’ve never done this, so I thought I’d try it for fun. I want to Tag you for the next 5 words, but thought I’d check first?

  57. There’ s such positivity glowing from your blog. Your attitude towards people, life, everything you do and everything has…come in your way is therapeutical itself. I have..not sure how to say it better…”seen cancer” closely through the people dear for me therefore…what I said in the beginning does come from heart.

    • billgncs says:

      thank you, I look forward to following your thoughts. Cancer is indeed a horrible foe and I am sorry for your loss. I am honored you felt you could speak from the heart to me — bw

  58. totsymae1011 says:

    Continue your journey with courage.
    Abundant prayers to you.

  59. Tapish Gupta says:

    I have nominated you for The Very Inspiring Blogger Award. 🙂

    Very Inspiring Blogger Award..!!

  60. globalunison says:

    I have nothing to write in detail but just that you simply are a sweetheart, Sir!
    My prayers are always with you!

  61. Tapish Gupta says:

    Just read this page. So sorry for that diagnosis. You’ll do good and get well soon. Keep up that attitude of yours. Best wishes to you dear friend! 🙂

  62. mindfuldiary says:

    Like your spirit! You are a fighter! And I like your about page. Like that you write for your daughters too. Will follow! 🙂

  63. Harry says:

    Welcome to poets corner as an author, i’m adding you to the authors page, i think your name is bill and from the states, but which part.

    You will find your name in the categories list when you post, so just tick it.

    • billgncs says:

      thanks Harry, Bill from Chicago, or the Midwest if you like. You may want to just use billgncs since there will likely be other bills as you grow.

      • Harry says:

        I’ll name you Bill 1.

        Would you grab the code below poets corner blue button and add it to a text widget in your sidebar for me please, you could even put a link into your blogroll.


  64. russtowne says:

    Good luck with the thyroid cancr. My wife lost her thyroid to it last year. The good news is that it doesn’t tend spread to other parts of the body and one can live without their thyroid so long as they take meds.


    • billgncs says:

      thanks — I am hoping for the best, it was a stage three which means they had to take muscle and lymph nodes as well, but hopefully it is gone.

      good health to you and your wife

  65. TheOthers1 says:

    Fellow lefty! 🙂

  66. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I have a friend that recently lost his battle with cancer. I know that this might not be encouraging, but I think that you might be encouraged by the things that he wrote http://jeffbalsom.com/.

  67. flyoverhere says:

    Sounds like you have the right attitude and good support. I am a cancer survivor since 2002 and can relate to some of things you are going through. Blogging has helped me a lot through some tough situations. My Mom passed away in March, she had cancer but other problems too and she was 83. It was and is still a difficult time, many emotions. I will put you on my prayer list. God Bless!

  68. geodygantira says:

    Good lord, i didn’t know that you have that kind of desease, sorry to hear that, may god bless you, lgives you healthy, joy, and wonderful life, keep the spirit coming! instead worried about girl basketballs thought :p

  69. Thank you for visiting and liking my posts. I appreciate your thoughtful reading of Maurice Sapiro’s painting. I thought the eyes on all of his portraits were somehow signature Maurice. I’m not happy to read that you are ill. My husband died of it in 2009. Both of us thought it annoying to say the least. (Our private joke). Hang in there. I like your work here. 🙂

    • billgncs says:

      thanks — and sorry for your loss. I too am struck by the inconvenience of having cancer. I assume I am cured, until otherwise notified.

      I look forward to following your blog.

  70. Today I made time to read blogs of those that have commented or follow my blog. I came to your site to say thank you for your visits and comments ,then i read your “about” and was knocked breathless. I am so sorry for your illness but you are a strong fighter it seems and with good support and family. I pray for a rapid recovery and many many years to live your life.
    I will share with you that my diseases are not as severe fibromyalgia and congestive heart failure, after I had a major heartattack and died they brought me back and I was ok for a bit then while still in hospital had two more. Point is that first year I truly faced my mortality and realized so many things about myself and most of all what was important in life. I see by what you write you are doing the same so I just wanted to say thank you in this time of your recovery (for that is what it shall be God willing) for sharing your talent and your story. God Bless you dear.

    • billgncs says:

      thank you for your thoughts and prayers. You have also overcome so much.
      Yes, you are right I am trying to share some thoughts and ideas so that my
      daughters may know me better than I knew my father.

      God bless you too. I will continue to follow and enjoy your honest postings.


  71. I love what you post in your blog , thank you for visiting my blog , keep in touch .

  72. Okay now I remember who you are. I’ve only caught on recently that just because I’m following someone doesn’t mean I’ll get an e-mail about a new post. I’ve now ticked off the notify box.
    My best wishes and good hopes to you as you battle your health foe.

  73. Clarabelle says:

    Thank you for dropping by my blog and liking some of my poems, I really appreciate it. Wishing you a beautiful day. Clarabelle

  74. Riba says:

    Oops. Thank you for your kind comment, too.

  75. Riba says:

    Oh, and now you are following my blog! Yay!

    Thank you. I always get a lift from this. 🙂

  76. Riba says:

    I just stopped by to thank you for liking my post on my blog from when I was 53. 🙂

    And I think the way you wrote this about page is beautiful. Thank you.

  77. boomiebol says:

    So sorry about the cancer diagnosis. Will keep you in my prayers and thoughts. Stay healthy and well. God bless

  78. Subhan Zein says:

    Hello Billgncs,
    Your writing is an art; it’s beautiful. I think if you keep doing what you’re doing now, you will have good future. So keep it up my friend! 🙂
    I have a joyful ride in your blog, and now I’d like to invite you to visit mine. Thank you and have a wonderful day, my friend! 🙂
    Subhan Zein

  79. I know there’s major controversy about cancer care, but if you have a chance, you may like to check out The Gerson Miracle documentary (about the Gerson Institute.) It was free for viewing on Hulu and Netflix – not sure if it still is.

  80. Mars says:

    Hello dear, I have nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award. I hope you can check this link out when you get the luxury of time (http://hereismars.wordpress.com/2012/04/26/making-milestones-memorable/) I wish you more joy and success! Hugs from this side of the world 🙂

    • billgncs says:

      Thanks for your kind words. I am glad you have stopped by to read and leave a comment. When I read your blog, I am reminded that when we are willing to accept joy, it finds it way to us in the birds that sing, the sunset over the water and the quiet kindness that is all about us. Sometimes it takes us a while to accept that we are worth it.

      Thanks for the award, how can I refuse anyone who calls me dear ( smile ).


  81. Glad you found my blog, and I found yours…..
    Cancer Warrior

  82. emjayzed says:

    I am never sure what to say in difficult situations so I’ll say it as it is, as best I can.

    I am truly sorry to hear of your diagnosis and I really hope that you can find the strength and resources to fight and beat this horrible disease. Most of all I hope you find happiness and joy in the life you live and be surrounded by people, experiences and places that you love.

    I think you write beautifully and very emotively and I thank you for sharing.

    • billgncs says:

      Thank you for your kind words, and thanks for reading..

      I am surrounded by support that I certainly don’t warrant and deserve. Alexander the Great conquered the known world by the time he was 30, so I have always felt that 30 was a full life. I have been in the bonus for a long time.

      That said, I plan to be around a long time more — In which I plan to “Live and Love and Laugh”


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