indian tacos in Billings – food

Downtown Billings Montana still has a personal flavor. In the suburbs one finds the usual ubiquitous chain stores and restaurants, but downtown there are the privately owned galleries and eateries. We used a recommendation from a young lady at a vintage shop to find Don Luis Mexican restaurant for dinner.

The home-made jalapeno poppers were just right ( although they looked like small airplanes )… and then we followed up with Indian tacos, one of my favorites.

Not some giant space alien -- home-made jalapeno poppers

Not some giant space alien — home-made jalapeno poppers

Standard taco toppings on Indian flat-bread makes an Indian taco. The flat-bread is thick, fried and has a bit of sweetness, and it makes the perfect base for a taco. Here it was enough for us to split and have two of us full and satisfied. We don’t find Indian ( American ) flatbread much in the more eastern states, so it’s always a double delight to find it.

Tacos on Indian Flat Bread

Tacos on Indian Flat Bread

13 Comments on “indian tacos in Billings – food”

  1. Shannon says:

    I’m sad I missed out on these! 🙂

  2. By Indian, I thought you meant India until I read the comment section because in Canada we call them First Nations people or aboriginal people. But anyway you can imagine how bizarre it seemed to me at first to think about bread from India combined with toppings from Mexico!

  3. Eric Alagan says:

    I’ve always preferred the private eateries over the factory chains that microwave and serve – plenty of that crap here in Singapore.

  4. you never cease to make me hungry! lol

  5. Ese' s Voice says:

    Looks absolutely delicious!

    • billgncs says:

      yes, the first time we came across Indian Tacos, it was at the pow-wow ( Native American tribal gathering in Montana ) and this Indian lady was cooking them up with her husband serving them up. Since then we always keep an eye out for authentic Indian Tacos.

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