take a break

After a month of scans and needles ( I only wish I had examined my thoughts as well as they examined my neck ), I have dissenting opinions.
A scan says cured, a bloodtest says no. Rock, Scissors, Paper no use, we wait and then repeat.

I choose cured, although the blood test is accurate, if cancer still exists it is very very small. Cancer casts a harsh glare, there is no sense cowering before it. That said, I am going to take some of my dad’s advice and take February off

I’ll be on my bike or working out, or reading a good book, or head to chef Amaury’s ( see previous post )

It you have read or followed me, thanks — See you in March. I believe in you, and your ability to improve and succeed. As an excellent rugby player told me once, “I cannot run a marathon, but I can always take one more step”.

52 Comments on “take a break”

  1. Bodhirose says:

    I say cured! Take care, Bill…although I see you’ve posted a couple of things before the end of February. I was reading backwards on your posts and ended up here.

  2. emjayzed says:

    I vote cured!! Enjoy your break 🙂

  3. no cancer, just a niggly little poem desperate to get out!

  4. “I choose cured.” I love that. Get out and enjoy the month. I think we ALL should get out and enjoy the month in this spirit.

    In fact, I am going to go play disc golf today in the rain just because I choose cured. Thanks for the inspiration.

  5. Enjoy your time off-hugs-Joelly

  6. Parul says:

    See you in March. Take care and have fun.

  7. oldentimes says:

    I too, must stand with you, ‘cured’ is a good word! And if you must take some time, you must.
    Will be waiting to see you again come March.
    A journey of a thouseand miles begins with one step, take the one you need, my friend.

  8. seahase says:

    Dear Mr. Bill,

    A prescription for healing. Cartwheels might be in order, too. I have a strong feeling that all of your readers will be waiting for you when you return.

    C. Hase

  9. As you choose positivity in this moment, you enrich yourself as well as all the people around you. I send you my healing thoughts.



  10. Lori Lipsky says:

    Dad’s advice sounds wise. Take the month and recover from the scans and needles. I’m with the scan here. All the best and enjoy your rest, Bill. 🙂

  11. nightlake says:

    hope everything works well for you

  12. denmother says:

    Good health, Bill.

  13. vbholmes says:

    We’re all for the “cured”! And with all those positive vibes coming your way, that’s sure to be a solid verdict next time. Have a great February, Bill–take good care, and we’ll look forward to seeing you in March.

  14. russtowne says:

    My thoughts and best wishes are with you, my friend. I hope you have a fantastic February and your health issues are quickly put behind you.


  15. cherylmoore says:

    I’ll miss you on WP, enjoy your break, Bill. I’ll keep my fingers crossed, your Dad sounds wise. Speak to you again in March. Cheryl

  16. We all need a break. Enjoy yourself. With much love, Randy

  17. Have a great break!! 😀

  18. annisik51 says:

    Have a nice time!

  19. Have a great month! See you later!

  20. Cured of course..God is the great healer/physician!! take this well deserved time and enjoy life, family and make beautiful precious memories so that when you and Jan are in the winter of your years rocking chairs on the old porch you will have them to talk about and remember.
    Love to you both:)

  21. Shannon says:

    Enjoy your time off!

  22. Enjoy your time off, here’s hoping for cured!!

  23. mindfuldiary says:

    Definetly cured! Enjoy your time off with wind in your hair (smiling), good food, excellent company, relaxed thoughts and beautiful words.:)

  24. Take the rest and be well.

  25. TheOthers1 says:

    Enjoy your time away. 🙂

  26. I choose cured too. I very much appreciate having you in my blogosphere and I wish you a wonderful month off! I’ve had a few friends who take February off from various things; some to see if they can, others for a break… after all it is the shortest month!

    be blessed and well

  27. bert0001 says:

    I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you. Wishing you a well spent 4 weeks break.

  28. Clanmother says:

    Beautifully said!! “All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us.” Say hello to chef Armaury and take good care.

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